Bears and Brews 2024

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Event is over

Event Status

Registration has ended.

Refund Policy

Tickets for this event are non-refundable. Reservations may be created or modified before {{ moment("2024-09-28T16:00:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}.

Bears and Brews 2024

Don't miss the the opportunity to support Buchanan wrestling and have a fun night! Dinner tickets: $50 SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE: *Bar Sponsor $2,000 - 3'x5' retractable banner with your name prominently placed, on display at the dinner and Zinkin Tournament *Banner Sponsor $500 - 33"x81" retractable banner with your name prominently placed, on display at the dinner and Zinkin Tournament In the NOTES section of your reservation, please include the name and number or person to contact for banner graphics. **21 and over