Helping One Woman Grace Villalpando (September 2024)

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Event is over

Event Status

Registration has ended.

Refund Policy

Tickets for this event are refundable. SOS Platform fees are non-refundable. See details below. Reservations may be created or modified before {{ moment("2024-09-14T06:55:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}

Pumpkin & Spinach Lasagna. Salad/Roll
Refundable before {{ moment("2024-09-14T06:55:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}
Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole Salad/Roll
Refundable before {{ moment("2024-09-14T06:55:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}

Helping One Woman Grace Villalpando (September 2024)

Please join us for our Tuesday, Sept 17 HOW dinner honoring Grace Villalpando at the Brentwood Community Center. Reservations (and refunds) available through Friday, Sept 13 at midnight. You will register using to pre-pay for your dinner(s). Dinner choices: Pumpkin & Spinach Lasagna. Pasta sheets, roasted pumpkin purée, cheeses/spices. (Vegetarian, not gluten free, not vegan). Or Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole. With vegetables, and creamy sauce. Contains water chestnuts, toasted almonds and breadcrumbs, green beans. (Not gluten free, not vegan, contains Nuts) Both dinners served w/ salad/roll. The event runs from 5:30- 8:00 pm. Dinner is $25.00, and attendees are required to give a minimum gift of $10 upon checking in (cash/Venmo or check made payable to Grace Villalpando), which will be given to the recipient at the end of the evening. We have an online silent auction, and we also have prize drawings. ALL proceeds from the $10 gift, silent auction and prize drawing tickets are handed over to the evening's recipient. As nice as the money is, the feeling of support and community is what really makes the difference. Adult attendees are invited to nominate and sponsor a recipient for the next dinner. One nomination form per dinner purchased is allowed. The recipient for the next dinner is randomly drawn by the current recipient and will be announced at the end of the evening. If your nominee is chosen, you are the sponsor for the next dinner. There are several responsibilities required of the sponsor so please ensure you are aware of these prior to nominating, as well as ensure your nominee qualifies for nominating. Please note that contributions are not tax-deductible and are considered a gift because 100% of the proceeds go directly to our recipient, Grace Villalpando. Seating is first come, first serve, no table reservations will be taken. For additional questions, please feel free to message us at