HOW Oakhurst Celebrates Amanda Lathrop
Hitchin Post
42592 CA-49
Ahwahnee, CA 93601 - {{ moment("2022-09-22T01:00:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}
HOW Oakhurst - Share Link To Event
Event Status
Cancellation Policy
Tickets for this event are cancellable. See details below. Reservations may be created or modified before {{ moment("2022-09-19T06:55:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}
- RSVP ONLY: • $10 recipient gift payable at the door • Dinner to be purchased from restaurant
- Cancellable before {{ moment("2022-09-19T06:55:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}
HOW Oakhurst Celebrates Amanda Lathrop
Join Helping One Woman Oakhurst in honoring September Recipient, Amanda Lathrop. Amanda is lovingly sponsored by Stefanie Romero. Details: When: Wednesday, September 21st at 6:00pm Where: The Hitchin' Post, Ahwahnee H.O.W. It Works: • You must RESERVE your seat on We begin check-in at 6:00pm, raffle drawing at 7:00pm. Dinner is open seating. RSVP deadline is Sunday, September 18th at 11:59pm. • To reserve your seat visit, search for the event "HOW Oakhurst Celebrates Amanda Lathrop". Sign in, click RESERVE, SELECT a TICKET. Bringing guests? ADD ANOTHER TICKET for each guest. • Dinner to be purchased from the restaurant. • A $10.00 minimum monetary recipient gift is collected at the door, payable in cash or check only. Checks to be made payable to Amanda Lathrop. • Raffle, silent and/or live auction items available! Prize drawing tickets available for purchase. $1 per ticket or $5 for six tickets. • ALL monies collected are gifted to our recipient, Amanda. Questions: • Interested in contributing a prize drawing, auction item or donation? Drop off your gifts Tuesday thru Saturday from 10am-5pm at Tokens, 40410 Hwy 41 in Oakhurst. Not able to deliver? We can also arrange pick up. Contact a HOW Leader for help. • Men and well-behaved children are welcome to attend our events! • Want to make your own nomination? Simply attend our HOW Dinner and complete a nomination form. One person may complete one nomination form per dinner, so bring friends! Not sure your recipient qualifies to be nominated? Contact HOW Oakhurst for guidelines. Amanda will randomly draw next month's nominee at the end of the evening. • You do not have to know our recipient to attend a HOW Dinner. Everyone is welcome! The overwhelming emotional & heartfelt support that we give our recipients is the energy behind the Helping One Woman Organization. We look forward to sharing this energy with you Wednesday, September 21st when we will honor Amanda ♥