Pianos For Players

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Event is over

Event Status

Registration has ended.

Refund Policy

Tickets for this event are non-refundable. Reservations may be created or modified before {{ moment("2020-10-23T17:00:00.000000Z").tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('llll z') }}.

Pianos For Players

We invite you to come and enjoy an evening out with friends. (Social Distancing guidelines will be followed and masks are recommended) Piano's For The Players will be a night to remember. $45 Per person or a VIP table of 10, for $500. Space is limited to 150 VIP seats. There is limited additional open seating and standing room. Don't miss your chance to enjoy the fun at this Dueling Piano's event. ...Tickets at the door $55 per person. Beer is included in the price. Wine and Cocktails will be available for purchase. Remember to Share this EVENT!!!!